Wednesday, December 12, 2007

1/4 of The Way There!

Hello there!

It's been about three weeks since I've written on here. I haven't updated this site simply because my status had not changed very dramatically.

I did want to just give you a quick update and let you know that we are at 25%!

For those of you reading this, you should have received an update last week and 2 weeks prior to that regarding other matters of support. If you'd like to receive this, please e-mail me at

God has surely been good to me over the past few months since I've started raising support. I covet all of your prayers, especially over the next month or so as I prepare to leave for Slovakia. I am on standby, ready to leave as soon as the Lord provides the financial support.

I had hoped to go home for the holidays and leave soon after that, however, due to the circumstances I will probably be coming back to Florida to continue working at Strang Communications until I have reached my goal. Please pray for me during this time!

I've had a few questions about alternate ways to send in support, and I wanted to remind you that you are able to call Mission to the World at 678-823-0004 ext. 2451 to give donations. Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has given so graciously to this effort. I appreciate everything you have done for the Lord! Lord willing, I will be updating this again before Christmas time if my status has changed, so please stay tuned!

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